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Corona Battle

Team: Ardour

Project Details

Project Explaination

Some of the features of my game are collision detection and wall jumping. My game also has real gravity effect so that everything will fall with uniform acceleration.

We also have collectables in the form of sanitizer and danger in the form of corona virus.

We wanted to encourage everyone to not to lose hope against the pandemic because even if it’s dangerous we can get ahead in the life with proper precautions, that is why i made my main character of the game wear mask and instead of collecting coins or diamonds it will collect bottles of sanitizer to keep himself safe.

In this game I also added dynamic effects like when our player dies it flashes and the screen follows the player even on y axis (i.e. when he jumps it feels like every thing is moving)

If you opened the .sb3 file of this project then you’ll notice that the first sprite is blank (It only has a comment in it so we can say it’s blank).


So I created the blank sprite for boasting the performance of the game, I know this sounds like a myth but let me explain, when we run a script it highlights the running code with yellow border (like you can in image below).

Code running border

Pictoblox takes quite a bit of resources to highlight the running code. So, if we have a blank sprite then there is no code to highlight and it saves quite a bit of resources and boosts the performance of the game.