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Team: Code Masters

Project Details

Project Explaination

Our first solution is Door Mechanism,



                         In the home the problem is that the visually impaired people will be not able to find the things. For example if it is too hot and they wanted to switch on the fan or Air Conditioner they can’t find the switch or the remote. Or if they wanted to go out they can’t open the door on their own. So in these cases we came out with a solution and that is with the help of face recognition. When the visually impaired people comes near to door the camera automatically scans the face of the visually impaired people and if it matches, then the door automatically opens so the visually impaired people can enter or leave the house.



                         The door automatically closes when the face is not detected in the camera. This is an automation that helps the visually impaired people in their house. This can be controlled by image recognition or voice recognition systems.



                           Now there are many advancements in the walking sticks as well as in their shoes that helps them to navigate through the streets. They have many sensors to help the visually impaired people know what is in their front and so on. These sticks can be used by them to move safely through the streets. They also have GPS that tells them the path way to move.

 Next automation is the Bus QR code scanner,                             



                            If the visually impaired people are going out and wanted to board a bus they will not be able to identify which bus is arriving to the bus stand at that time. So, just like fastag we can paste a QR code on the top of each and every bus. The QR code contains name of the bus, and the places through which it is going to travel. The QR code scanner in the bus stand scans the QR code in the bus and announces the name of the bus through the speaker in the Bus stand. Thus, this helps the visually impaired people to know which bus is arriving to the bus stand.

And finally Product QR code scanner,



             The visually impaired people are not able to buy things in the shopping mall. They need someone’s help to buy things. In order to solve this problem, we can paste the appropriate QR code in the products and attach a QR code scanner in the trolley. The QR code contains the name of the product and how much it costs. So, the visually impaired people can buy the things they need. These are our few inventions that we owe to the visually impaired people.