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$m@rt Key

Team: Tech Gurus

Project Details

Project Explaination


Project Description
1.Project Overview
2.The Purpose of the Project


Future Scope of the Project



Project Description:

1. Project Overview

  • “SmartKey” is an AI-based, smart car key system developed by team “TechGurus” – an innovative step towards the world of driverless vehicle technology.
  • SmartKey will help the user to unlock the car door and start its engine by simply identifying the user’s face using an AI-based face detection algorithm.
  • It is a combination of PictoBlox’s Machine Learning face detection model and Lego Mindstorm kit.

2.The Purpose of the Project.

  • To bring revolution in the Automobile industry
  • To reduce human efforts which will lead to save time and improve security for vehicles.
  • Such a highly secured car has a very less chance of being robbed by any person because it can be driven only by the owner or by a selected set of people the owner wants it to be driven by.


  • Design is the process of envisioning and planning the creation of models/objects/structures and interactive process.
  • Users are at the heart of the design thinking process.
  • It consists of Hardware & Software which are described in detail below.

1. Hardware

  • A control system is a set of mechanical or electronic devices that regulate other devices or systems by way of control loops
  • We have used the “LEGO Mindstorm EV3 Education Kit” as a control system of our model.
  • Large Motors actuates the driving system of the car.
  • Medium Motors are used to open & close the doors of the car.
  • EV3 Brick is the brain of the robot which is receiving instructions (Input) from an AI-based model and giving commands (Output) to motors

2. Software

  • Using the Pictoblox Machine Learning extension the program has been developed.
  • The IF condition will be True if it’s the Owner and send commands to open the door or else it will say access denied.
  • The code Running in the backdrop to make sure when the owner is correct then execute the task of opening the doors.


  • The algorithm is a process to be followed by an electronic device like a computer.
  • Here is the algorithm for SmartKey

1. AI-Based Face detection model will ask users to scan the face.

2. If the face is matching with the Owners’ face then it will command motors to open the Door hence the owner can enter the car and start the car’s engine.

3. Else it will notify that the face is not matching with the Owners’ face.


Future Scope of the Project:

  • This SmartKey model can be used for Government officials’ cars for a security purpose.
  • This Key can give the exact location of the owner to give the exact route plan for the car to drive on its own to the owner.
  • This key can also have a security feature to check the exact location of the car and also track the health status of the car including the car’s petrol level.
  • Can Add Speech recognition and Retinal scan for Z Security.